Course curriculum

    1. The Tempted Christ

    2. The Calling Christ

    3. The Healing Christ

    4. The Blessing Christ

    5. Lent 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    6. The Sending Christ

    7. The Teaching Christ

    8. The Transfigured Christ

    9. The Solitary Christ

    10. The Calming Christ

    11. The Miraculous Christ

    12. Lent 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    13. The Compassionate Christ

    14. The Determined Christ

    15. The Prophetic Christ

    16. The Rejected Christ

    17. The Willing Christ

    18. The Forgiving Christ

    19. Lent 3: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    20. The Comforting Christ

    21. The Longing Christ

    22. The Inviting Christ

    23. The Rejoicing Christ

    24. The Tender Christ

    25. The Attentive Christ

    26. Lent 4: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    27. The Incarnate Christ

    28. The Sacrificial Christ

    29. The Passionate Christ

    30. The Loving Christ

    31. The Accepting Christ

    32. The Grieving Christ

    33. Lent 5: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    34. The Promising Christ

    35. The Commanding Christ

    36. The Anointed Christ

    37. The Triumphant Christ

    38. The Serving Christ

    39. The Interceding Christ

    40. Palm Sunday: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    41. The Pleading Christ

    42. The Betrayed Christ

    43. The Sentenced Christ

    44. The Crucified Christ

    45. The Dying Christ

    46. The Resurrected Christ

    47. Easter Sunday: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    48. 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge: Introduction and Overview

    1. OnePager: Days 1-10

    2. OnePager: Days 11-16

    3. OnePager: Days 17-22

    4. OnePager: Days 23-28

    5. OnePager: Days 29-34

    6. OnePager: Days 35-40

    7. 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenger

    1. Sign Up for Daily Vlog

About this course

  • Free
  • 56 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

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