5 in 15 Videos (coming soon)

Do you or your friends have questions about … God, the Bible, the Christian faith and/or the world that we live in? If so, I’d like to try and help! Here’s what I would like to offer: a simple way to ask your question (a digital submission form) a safe place to ask your questions and receive clear, Christ centered and Scriptural answers (live ZOOM meeting) a fully searchable video series called … “5 in 15” (five questions answered in fifteen minutes – more or less)

    1. Submit a Question

    1. Why so many gods, idols and religions?

    2. Interpreting Scriptures and the Use of Reason

    3. Why sin? death? and Where is the hope?

    4. Where do I hear about the forgiveness of sins?

    5. Our works and the works of Jesus? (enough? and enough!)

    6. What's the difference between those are "saved" and those who are "lost"?

    7. Once I have salvation, can I lose it?

    8. Why did God love King David? (Psalm 51)

    9. The ABC's of the Trinity

    10. One God, Three Distinct Persons, One Salvation Plan

    11. The wrath of God (upon the nations)

    12. What about the "2nd" commandment and "graven" images?

    1. Baptism (1) - The Tip of the Theological Iceberg

    2. Baptism (2) - Scriptures That Speak About Baptism

    3. Baptism (3) - Who's Idea Is It?

    4. Baptism (4) - How Is It To Be Done?

    5. Baptism (5) - Is It A Work? Who's Work?

    6. Baptism (6) - What Does It Give or Profit?

    7. Baptism (7) - What Does It Visually Portray?

    8. Baptism (8) - Ephesians 2 - Saved By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, Not Of Works

    9. Baptism (9) - Romans 10 - Faith Comes Through Hearing the Message

    1. Live ZOOM Meeting: Thursday, November 18th at 7 pm

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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