Course Curriculum (coming soon)

This course will help you understand and "make use" of the Scriptures. Topics include ... the principles of Biblical interpretation, the "five uses" of the Scripture, the distinction between the Law and the Gospel, how the person and work of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins is the central message of the Bible, the gift, corruption and the proper use of human reason, helpful tools, resources and much more ...

    1. How to Read, Understand and Make Use of the Scriptures: Introduction and Overview

    2. The Bible: It's a Book About ...

    3. Shadows of Jesus AND the Reality

    4. God's Two Words: The Law and the Gospel

    5. The Salutary Uses of the Scriptures

    1. The Pure Nature of the Scriptures

    2. The Corrupted Nature of the Reader

    3. Scripture Alone

    4. The Wrong Use of Reason, Emotions and Experience

    5. The Right Use of Reason, Emotions and Experience

    1. "Making Use" of Jesus

    2. Use #1: Jesus as our Hope and Consolation

    3. Use #2 and #3: Proclaiming Right Teaching and Refuting Wrong Teaching

    4. Use #4 and #5: Encouraging Right Living and Correcting Wrong Living

    5. Protecting Faith, Hope and Love

    1. Principles of Biblical Interpretation

    2. Find the One Intended Meaning of the Text

    3. The Meaning of Words

    4. God Uses Grammar

    5. Figures of Speech

    1. The Gospel of Matthew: Context and Content

    2. Isaiah: Context and Content

    3. Jeremiah and Ezekiel: Context and Content

    4. Revelation: Context and Content

    5. Romans: Context and Content

    1. Scripture Interprets Scripture: Jesus and the Parables

    2. Scripture Interprets Scripture: Born Again and the Second Death

    3. Scripture Interprets Scripture: Leviticus and Hebrews

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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