The 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge (+10)
The 40 Day "eXPlain it" Challenge (+10) is a virtual experience that helps you understand how all of the Old Testament Scriptures speak of the person and work of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.
Introduction and Overview
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Easter Sunday: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 1: Acts 1 and Luke 24
Day 2: Luke 24:44-48
Day 3: Ephesians 1:17-19
Day 4: Acts 8:30-35
Day 5: Luke 4:16-21
Day 6: Colossians 2:16-17
ZOOM Workshop Replay - Saturday, April 10th
Easter 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 7: Trinitarian Themes
Day 8: Jesus Foretold
Day 9: Genesis 1 and 2
Day 10: Genesis 3
Day 11: Genesis 3:15
Day 12: Jesus Foreshadowed in Adam
Easter 3: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 13: Genesis - the book of "generations"
Day 14: "Old" and "New" Testament
Day 15: Types of Covenants
Day 16: The Covenant with Noah
Day 17: The Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12 and 15)
Day 18: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Easter 4: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 19: Genesis 22
Day 20: The Twisted Family Tree
Day 21: Did They Know?
Day 22: The Angel of the Lord
Day 23: The Burning Bush
Day 24: The Real Exodus
Easter 5: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 25: Jesus "Tabernacled"
Day 26: Jesus - "Living Water"
Day 27: Jesus - "The Bread of Life"
Day 28: The Sinai Covenant
Day 29: Leviticus and Holiness
Day 30: Leviticus and Sacred Rhythms
Easter 6: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 31: Leviticus and Sacrifices
Day 32: Leviticus and the High Priest
Day 33: Leviticus and the Day of Atonement
Day 34: Numbers: Rebellion and Redemption
Day 35: Deuteronomy - The Renewal of the Covenant
Day 36: Deuteronomy and THE Prophet
Easter 7: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 37: The Message of the Prophets
Day 38: Forth-Telling (Deuteronomy)
Day 39: Forth-Telling (Jeremiah)
Day 40: Fore-Telling (the Gospel of Matthew)
Day 41: Fore-Shadow (the Suffering Servant)
Day 42: Fore-Shadow (the Sacrifice)
Pentecost: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 43: Fore-Shadow (the Messianic Age)
Day 44: The Covenant with David
Day 45: Psalms - Picture Promises of Messiah
Day 46: The Voice of the Psalms
Day 47: Psalms -Messiah Praying
Day 48: Psalms - The Church Praying
Trinity: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary
Day 49: Psalms - Messiah Praying with His Church
Day 50: Acts - Proclaiming the Person and Work of Jesus
Saturday, April 10th
Saturday, April 17th
Saturday, April 24th
Saturday, May 1st
Saturday, May 8th
Saturday, May 15th
Saturday, May 22nd
Introduction and Overview
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7