The Divine Service: Repenting, Receiving and Rejoicing in the House of God
A Day to Receive the Triune God's Gifts (coming soon))
The "eXPlain it" courses don't just deliver content. They provide an experiential and guided tour through the topic "territory". My role is both "teacher" and "guide". It's also a communal experience. Through ZOOM, virtual "live" lessons and community forums we'll learn together. I look forward to learning with you how Jesus Christ is revealed in all of the Scriptures.
Easy to use and accessible virtual learning platform
Content delivered through multiple mediums: video, audio, written, PDF
Virtual "live" sessions via ZOOM that support the content and answer questions (recorded for those who cannot attend "live" sessions)
Community forums for group discussion
Intro Video
Everything Ordered Toward Receiving the Forgiveness of Sins
Intro Lesson
Confession and Absolution
Entrance into the House of God
Kyrie - "the beggars cry"
Hymns of Praise
The Greeting of Peace
The Prayer of the Day (the Collect)
The Old Testament Reading
A Reading from the Psalms
The Epistle Reading
The Gospel Reading
The Sermon
The Creed
The Prayers of the Church
The Bringing and Offering of Gifts
Preparation to Receive the Lord's Supper
Holy! Holy! Holy!
Prayers of Thanksgiving and the Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Words of Institution and Consecration
The Peace
O, Lamb of God That Takes Away the Sin of the World
The Reception of the Lord's Gifts
The Prayer After Receiving the Lord's Gifts
Lord, Now Let Your Servant Depart in Peace
The Lord's Blessing (Numbers 6:22-27)
Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving
Coming in 2021