Podcast and Vlogcast

    1. Podcast Player with Current Episodes

    2. Link to Podcast Player

    1. Advent 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    2. Advent 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    3. Advent 3: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    4. Advent 4: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    5. Christmas Day

    6. Christmas 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    7. Christmas 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    8. Epiphany 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    9. Epiphany 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    10. The Transfiguration: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    11. Pre-Lent 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    12. Pre-Lent 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    13. Pre-Lent 3: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    14. Lent 1: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    15. Lent 2: Sunday Readings and Daily Lectionary

    1. Ekklesia: Trinity 10 (Luke 19:41-48)

    2. Ekklesia: Trinity 11 (Luke 18:9-14)

    3. Ekklesia: Trinity 12 (Mark 7:31-37)

    4. Ekklesia: Trinity 13 (Luke 10:23-37)

    5. Ekklesia: Trinity 14 (Luke 17:11-19)

    6. Ekklesia: Trinity 15 (Matthew 6:19-34)

    7. Ekklesia: Trinity 16 (Luke 7:11-17)

    8. "To Whom Shall We Go?" - Video Introduction

    9. Ekklesia: Trinity 17 (Luke 14:1-11)

    10. Ekklesia: Trinity 18 (Matthew 22:34-40)

    11. Ekklesia: Trinity 19 (Matthew 9:1-8)

    1. "To Whom Shall We Go?" - Video Introduction

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  • 29 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content

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